Sunday, April 11, 2010

Organizing Tips for Kids - Part III

Today's post is the last in a series this week designed to help you manage the mountains of stuff that many families accumulate. Check out the previous posts for tips 1-4 and 5-7. Today's tips focus on overall maintenance of big categories and hold true regardless of how much space you you have. The last tip is my favorite (and perhaps the most important) - hopefully it helps you remember to keep what can be a trying experience (keeping your family organized) positive - nagging may not work, but positive feedback just might!

8. If you have a small play space, keep some toys in storage and rotate them a couple times a year. When the toys come out from storage, it can be as exciting as having new things to play with. Once your child has completely outgrown a toy, take it out of circulation and donate it as soon as possible.

9. Routinely go through your children’s clothing and purge items that are not being used or do not fit. If they’re in good condition, another family can use them, and your child will have more space to work with.

10. Provide positive feedback! Reinforce your family’s organizational skills by rewarding kids for using the systems you’ve put in place together. This could be as simple as a high five for putting toys away or a sticker system with small rewards built in for achieving goals for the week.

As always, happy organizing and please share your thoughts with us!

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