Friday, October 14, 2011

Get Your Garage in Gear

Just like any other storage space, your garage may need an organizing intervention or at least maintenance. This is especially important before winter hits – anyone out there wishing they could pull their car into a cluttered garage? There is hope if you commit some time to this often-neglected, but important storage space. Here are a few key steps to help you get your garage in gear for winter.

1)    If you can, clear everything out of the space and sort items into major categories. This is a great project for a beautiful fall day! If it's not possible or practical to take everything out of the space, at least do your best to sort items into separate zones...gardening equipment, ski gear, holiday decorations, etc.

2)    Review what you've found and get rid of items you haven't used or won't likely use. Sell or donate what you decide to part with. Of course you should also get rid of any obvious trash or recycling.

3)    Take the time to clean shelves and floor space that you clear during the process. The sand and salt of winter are about to creep their way in, so it's a good idea to start with a clean slate. Bonus - it's much more pleasant to take things out and put things back when it's relatively clean!

4)    When you put items back in, keep like items together in zones and save the prime real estate - easy to reach areas - for items that will get the most use this season. This will ensure you don't have to dig for what you need over the next few months.

5)    Last but not least, take care of any tune-ups for winter sports equipment or snow blowers, and make a shopping list for items you need. Buying these items now will ensure you have what you need...when you need it. You know what I mean if you've ever shopped for a snow shovel after the first big snow storm.

If you need help with storage solutions for the garage, think vertical! Using vertical space always allows you to store items with lots of clear floor space – super important if your goal is to park your car(s) in the garage. Simple shelving units (plastic or metal) from a home improvement store along with sturdy see-through containers can do wonders to contain smaller items like tools, car accessories, garden equipment and even extra household goods. Sports equipment like bikes can be efficiently stored using wall hooks or a free-standing rack. If you’re not-so-handy, installing items on the wall is a simple task for a handyman. And if you’re looking for a more robust garage upgrade, companies like Elfa, Monkey Bars, and Closet & Storage Concepts can install custom storage solutions to create the garage of your dreams. Don’t forget, your favorite professional organizer can help you map out and implement a garage organizing plan, ranging from simple, low-cost to high-end custom solutions!
Bottom Line: Spending some quality time clearing out and organizing your garage will make your life easier this winter and all year round!

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