Friday, October 21, 2011

What can you do in 15 minutes?

Recently, I've talked about a 5 minute fillers list...little things you can get done when you get a few free minutes of time. The other day, I was reading one of my favorite blogs...The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. She posted a list of tips to stop procrastinating. One of them was Suffer for 15 Minutes..."You can do anything for 15 minutes," she says. She's absolutely right and that tip hit home with me. There are certain organizing tasks that even I don't like to do! This mantra ("you can do anything for 15 minutes") allowed me to make some much-needed progress on these not-so-favorite tasks over the past week. It's a simple concept with magical powers!

Here are a few ideas of nagging organizing tasks that you can chip away at with just 15 minutes a day...and maybe even 15 minutes a week once you get them under control:

  • File papers. You know, the stacks on your desk or dining room table. If you need a new file for a new category, go ahead and make it - it doesn't need to be fancy, it just needs to exist.
  • Weed files. These first two can be done together (or separately). As you file a paper, take the time to review that file and weed out anything you no longer need.
  • Shred papers. - This includes items you've weeded out of your files and other items like solicitations that may have your personal information on them.
  • Organize your computer files or digital photos. Create appropriate folders and delete what you don't need.
  • Clean up your inbox. Delete, delete, delete. Or archive/file emails you want to save and be able to search for in the future. Most email programs are so easily search-able, that you can save your inbox for incoming mail...I know, easier said than done :)
  • Put things back where they belong. Enough said.
  • Reconcile financial transactions. This might be in your checkbook, on-line, or maybe filing receipts, depending on how you keep your records. Confession - this is one of my nagging tasks.
  • Get rid of expired coupons.
  • Recycle old magazines and catalogs. Keep the latest issue or 2 and recycle the rest.
  • Clean out past-due food from your fridge and cabinets.
  • Round up items for donation. Take a quick pass through your closets and drawers and see what you can part with. Put them in a bag and take it to your car right away.

Bottom Line: Just 15 minutes a day can help you make a huge dent in those nagging organizing tasks that we all avoid. Remember - "you can do anything for 15 minutes!" Thanks, Gretchen, for some great inspiration!

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